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Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 class page. We're very excited to be able to share some of the amazing things we get up to in school. 

We have recently celebrated World Ocean day, where we have looked at the issues that we are facing in relation to our beautiful Oceans. We discussed fishing, boats creating noise and leaking oil, the diminishing coral reefs, global warming, and much more. Year 5 then created some absolutely stunning posters around these issues. 



Today we've had great fun celebrating books and dressing up for World Book Day. We've taken part in the BBC World Book Day live lesson and we can't wait for our parade after lunch!

As part of our Maya topic we had a great day at Cadbury's World. Have a look in our gallery for more photos!

Useful apps and websites the children have access to:

Times Tables Rock Stars - Times tables practise

Spelling shed - Their spellings are online every week for them to practise at home as well as in school.

Bug Club - Online reading books and reading comprehension with books allocated at your child reading levels. 


Contact Us

Head Teacher: Mr Phil Croke
Main Street, Sedgeberrow, WR117UE